Before we dive into the rankings, let me tell you how TikTok influenced me to start reading what is now one of my favorite collections of books of all time.
Back in 2022 I was on BookTok quite a bit. For those who don't know, it is the side of TikTok where people talk about books. Clever, I know. Anyways, I was watching a video one night of a guy who said he read his new favorite book, the Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I didn't think much of it at the time, but over the next several days I began to see more and more posts about this book. People were calling it a modern fantasy classic. I thought to myself, "I like fantasy.", so I quickly pulled up my Amazon app and had my copy a couple of days later. I did not realize when I ordered it that it was over 1000 pages, but I was up for the challenge. I read it fairly quickly, within a month or so, only to find out that it is a part of a larger universe of books by Brandon Sanderson called The Cosmere. This collection of books is around 25 books currently, with many more slated to release in the coming years. This collection includes 2 main series Mistborn and the Stormlight Archive, as well as several one off books, and a smaller collection dubbed the Secret Projects.
To this point I have read 12 Cosmere novels and novellas spanning multiple series. As mentioned, these books have quickly become some of my absolute favorites. Full transparency, I have not read a Sanderson book yet that I did not like. Each one is unique and brings something new to the table. If you have not yet read anything by Sanderson, I would highly encourage you to do so.
Dawnshard - the Stormlight Archive - Book 3.5
Let me start this ranking by saying again, I have not read a Sanderson book that I did not like. This book for me even being at the bottom of this list still got 4 out of 5 stars. That being said, it does still find itself in last place on this list. The book itself is fine, acting as a bridge to help explain some of the lore and expand on the world building between books 3 and 4 of the Stormlight Archive. It does have a compelling story and introduces a key plot device that will show up again later in the series and the Cosmere as a whole. Outside of this however, it does not set itself apart from the rest.
Edgedancer - the Stormlight Archive - Book 2.5
I think a key reason why this book falls here just above Dawnshard is that this book introduces several major characters that show up for the remainder of the Stormlight series. I will say that this book does fall into the same trap for me as Dawnshard in that, while it does introduce these characters and helps the reader understand what is going on later down the line, it almost feels like it could have been added as chapters in one of the 5 main books instead of its own stand alone novella. I loved being introduced to Lift and am happy to see that she is a more prominent character in the books to come.
The Sunlit Man - Secret Project #4
Coming into our first of the secret projects we have the Sunlit Man. I really enjoyed this book for many reasons. The secret projects, as you will soon come to find out, are some of my favorite books that Sanderson has written. They connect to the Cosmere and have larger implications than the book itself. The Sunlit Man follows Nomad, a man who finds himself transported to a new world without a way of getting off. Throughout the book we follow Nomad as he is caught up between a tyrant and rebellion seeking to overthrow him. The twist, the world is only inhabitable on the dark side as the sun scorches everything it shines on. I will also hint that this book has serious ties to the rest of Cosmere as well.
I will be the first to admit that I was not excited about reading this book. I had already read several of Sanderson's works by the time that I got to this book. All of the books that I had read to that point had been great, so I was thinking "there is no way this momentum can keep going...this book has to be worse than the rest." Man was I wrong! Again, I sound like a broken record, but I really enjoyed this book. In Warbreaker we follow two sisters, Vivenna and Siri, as they try to broker peace between their home county Idris and the nation of Hallandren ruled by the God King. Just like the Sunlit Man, this book has major Cosmere ties and connections.
Rhythm of War - the Stormlight Archive - Book 4
We finally come to the first of the Stormlight Archive books. Spoilers, from this point on every book is a 5 out of 5 for me. They are all wonderful, and I love different aspects of each of them. With that out of the way, I believe this is the weakest of the five main Stormlight books. There are some heartfelt and tear-jerking moments throughout, but overall, this book felt a little slow for me regarding the pacing. Sanderson is known for giving tons of detail and build up throughout his books. It is normally around the 80-90 percent point that he does what is known as the "Sanderlanche". This is the communities jargon for Sanderson's style of writing where a ton of crazy and exciting things happen in the final pages of the book. While this book does still have the "Sanderlanche" (and I did tear up during it), I don't feel like it makes up for the slow build of the rest of the book.
This book is the most recent that I have read in the Cosmere. I came to this book hesitant, almost in the same way that I did with Warbreaker. Part of that is actually due to the community itself. While doing some research for this book I found that it is Sanderson's debut novel. Because of that, many in the community will say that it is not as good as the others, or that it is weaker by comparison. I could not disagree more. I think this book, even being Sanderson's first work, is wonderful. In this book we follow 3 main characters; the young prince Raoden, the foreign princess Sarene, and the Gyorn Priest Hrathen. If you like political intrigue, mystery, and action throughout then you will love this book.
Tress of the Emerald Sea - Secret Project #1
Tress of the Emerald Sea was my first venture in the Cosmere outside of the Stormlight Archive. Up to this point in my reading I had been following the same characters, story, and world. So how was my first venture out into the larger Cosmere universe? Fun and lighthearted! This book was a breath of fresh air for me. While there are comical and lighthearted moments throughout the Stormlight series, as a whole, it is more a straightforward and traditional fantasy story. This however, is anything but that. In this book, we follow Tress as she goes on a pirate adventure to find and save her love, Charlie, who was kidnapped by the Sorceress. This is a fun and entertaining book, and was a great change of pace at this point in my Cosmere journey.
Wind and Truth - the Stormlight Archive - Book 5
Finding it's way into our fifth spot in this list is the fifth book in the Stormlight Archive. Wind and Truth is Sanderson's newest novel that he has written and released. In fact, it just released only 2 months before writing this post (December 6, 2024). I read this book in just a few short weeks. Originally, my plan was to reread all of the Stormlight books again in preparation for Wind and Truth. It turns out that I am extremely impatient, and just decided to read a short recap before jumping in. This book caps off the ending of the first arc of the Stormlight series. That's right, this series will consist of two, five book arcs. We still have five more to go in this series, and I cannot wait. Wrapping up this section, I think Sanderson ended this first arc extremely well. He ties some stories together, while leaving the overall story open for the rest of the books to come in the future. If you don't like cliffhangers, and/or having to wait several years for book 6 to come out, maybe don't read this one yet.
Oathbringer - the Stormlight Archive - Book 3
This is admittedly the first book of Sanderson's that I teared up in while reading. This book has both moments that will break you, and then at the same time turn around and having you shouting "YES!" So many of the stories and plot lines that Sanderson starts in book 1 come together and culminate into a false conclusion. I say false, simply because we know the series is not over, but it gives this sense of completion. Oathbringer continues the same momentum the two prior books in the series give it while also launching forward for the series to come.
the Way of Kings - the Stormlight Archive - Book 1
"Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king." These are the words that started it all for me. I know it seems funny to admit that TikTok actually did something good, but without some of those videos coming up on my feed there is a good chance that I either would not have read this book, or would have waited much longer to do so than I did. I am thankful for this book because it got me out of my reading slump. I ended up reading 42 books in 2024, and 10 of those are listed here. The Way of Kings is a phenomenal fantasy novel and sets up for a larger series to take place. There are several characters that you will become friends with, laugh with, cry with, and struggle with.
"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination"
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - Secret Project #3
It may seem weird to put this book here. While it is technically part of the Secret Projects, it is a stand alone book. It is a part of the Cosmere, but it has no connection to the rest of the universe as a whole outside of one reoccurring character, who in this case is telling the story. So why is this book my number 2 overall? What is so good about it? Literally EVERYTHING! I was so captured and enthralled with this book that I did not want to put it down. I quite literally read this book in 2 days. 2 DAYS! This book follows Yumi, a yoki-hijo priestess, and Painter, who's job is to capture and defeat Nightmares throughout the city. These two come from very different worlds and must work together to not only figure out what is going on, but to save each others homes.
Words of Radiance - the Stormlight Archive - Book 2
Finally, we come to my number 1 spot. Words of Radiance is without a doubt my favorite Sanderson book that I have read to date. Everything that made the Way of Kings great is elevated here. This book is not only my number 1, but it is also many within the communities top pick as well. Kaladin, one of the main characters in the Stormlight series continues on his path and faces new challenges along with the multitude of other characters. I honestly can't even begin to think of the words to describe this book so I will just say this. This book is as close to perfect as you can get. For me, this is on the same level as Tolkien, and if you know me, that is saying a lot.
There are so many books within the Cosmere, and I haven't even made the halfway point. That is both extremely daunting and exciting. If you are thinking about starting one of these books, or have read this ranking and thought to yourself, "this is overwhelming", let me encourage you. While this universe seems like it has Marvel's level of content to consume, I can assure you, you will enjoy every second of it. Those who know me know that Tolkien is my all-time favorite author. Heck, I have a post from 2017 on why Lord of the Rings is the best book and movie series (see that post if you wanna know why). I can honestly say, these books have come as close as any to being up there with those. Sanderson has cemented himself as one of my favorite authors, and I am excited to continue in this wonderful universe known as the Cosmere.